In collaboration with local growers, we supply product to Frito Lay plants in Canada, the US, South East Asia, Central America, South America and the Carribean. Monaghan Farms and Monaghan Export have been successful in shipping potatoes and have them arrive at the various plants well within the quality grade. We are now one of the largest suppliers for Frito Lay in terms of raw product for export.
McCain Top Ten Grower Award
2002, 2006, 2007, 2008
Frito Lay Top Canadian Supplier
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
Business to Business category
PEI Potato Board Award
Recognizing contributions to the PEI potato industry by Monaghan Farms and West Isle Enterprises.
At Monaghan Farms we are committed to environmental sustainability. We continue to strive on reducing environmental impacts by water conservation, limiting pesticide use and reducing carbon foot print. We continue to collaborate with our main customer Frito Lay with their global sustainable agriculture policy.
Monaghan Farms is a member of the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC), “On Farm Food Safety Program”. The program is a nationally recognized certification system that enhances safe food production. Monaghan Farms has been a member of the voluntary program since 2006. The program performs audits on our food handling system to ensure compliance and best management practices.
We have an industry leading integrated pest management system in place where personnel do weekly crop scouting to determine critical pest thresholds. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency is responsible for pesticide regulation in Canada. The agency registers and promotes safe pesticides with stringent scientific evaluations on a 15 year cycle to ensure products meet certain standards set out by Health Canada. Following the guidelines set out by PMRA, we only use chemicals that are deemed safe for agricultural use.
Soil conservation and soil erosion are on the forefront with our crop rotations. Our potatoes are rotated with cereal and hay crops to break pest life cycles and build organic matter in our soils. Cover crops and winter annuals are applied each year for field protection and mitigate soil erosion. Our soils are sampled each year by federally approved laboratories to determine nutrient requirements.
We continue to invest in new technologies to help reduce carbon emissions. Our tractors have the latest state of the art carbon emission technologies that help reduce our carbon footprint.